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Cadwyn can automatically generate API changelogs for your versions. By default they are available through the unversioned endpoint GET /changelog. You can also get it from Cadwyn.generate_changelog method.

Hiding version changes and instructions

Sometimes you might want to do private internal version changes or instructions within the version changes that should not be visible to the public. You can do this by using the cadwyn.hidden function. For example:

from cadwyn import hidden, VersionChange, endpoint

class VersionChangeWithOneHiddenInstruction(VersionChange):
    description = "..."
    instructions_to_migrate_to_previous_version = (
        hidden(endpoint("/users/{user_id}", ["GET"]).had(path="/users/{uid}")),

class CompletelyHiddenVersionChange(VersionChange):
    description = "..."
    instructions_to_migrate_to_previous_version = (

Customizing changelog endpoint

Just pass the changelog_url argument to Cadwyn and a GET to this url will start returning the changelog for all versions based on the contents of your VersionBundle.

If you want to hide the changelog endpoint, pass include_changelog_url_in_schema=False to Cadwyn.

If you want to delete the changelog endpoint, pass changelog_url=None to Cadwyn.

Changelog structure and entry types

Please, visit the swagger page for your app and check the structure and values of enums in the /changelog endpoint.