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Main App

Cadwyn's standard usage is done with a single customized FastAPI app: cadwyn.Cadwyn. It accepts all the same arguments as FastAPI three more keyword-only arguments:

  • Required versions: VersionBundle describes all versions within your application
  • Optional api_version_parameter_name: str = "x_api_version" is the parameter that Cadwyn will use for routing to different API versions of your app

After you have defined a main app, you can add versioned API routers to it using Cadwyn.generate_and_include_versioned_routers(*routers)

from cadwyn import VersionedAPIRouter, Cadwyn
from versions import my_version_bundle

router = VersionedAPIRouter(prefix="/users")

@router.get("/users/", tags=["users"])
async def read_users():
    return [{"username": "Rick"}, {"username": "Morty"}]

@router.get("/users/{username}", tags=["users"])
async def read_user(username: str):
    return {"username": username}

app = Cadwyn(versions=my_version_bundle)

That's it! generate_and_include_versioned_routers will generate all versions of your routers based on the versions argument.


Cadwyn is built on header-based routing. First, we route requests to the appropriate API version based on the version header (x-api-version by default). Then we route by the appropriate url path and method. Currently, Cadwyn only works with ISO date-based versions (such as 2022-11-16). If the user sends an incorrect API version, Cadwyn picks up the closest lower applicable version. For example, 2022-11-16 in request can be matched by 2022-11-15 and 2000-01-01 but cannot be matched by 2022-11-17.

However, header-based routing is only the standard way to use Cadwyn. If you want to use any other sort of routing, you can use Cadwyn directly through cadwyn.generate_versioned_routers or subclass cadwyn.Cadwyn to use a different router and middleware. Just remember to update the VersionBundle.api_version_var variable each time you route some request to a version. This variable allows Cadwyn to do side effects and data migrations.


Cadwyn has its own API Router class: cadwyn.VersionedAPIRouter. You are free to use a regular fastapi.APIRouter but cadwyn.VersionedAPIRouter has a special decorator only_exists_in_older_versions(route) which allows you to define routes that have been previously deleted. First you define the route and than add this decorator to it.