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Schema generation

Cadwyn automatically generates versioned schemas and everything related to them from HEAD version at runtime -- no actual code is being generated. These versioned schemas will be automatically used in requests and responses for versioned API routes.

Rendering schemas

When you have many versions and many schemas, it is quite hard to know what validators, fields, and other attributes are defined on each schema in any concrete version. To combat this problem, we have a way to render the generated pydantic models and enums to code using the command-line interface.

NOTICE that cadwyn render does not promise to render correct schemas. It is going to be a very close approximation which should be enough for the cases where humans check the schemas by hand. However, it is not yet ready to be used for full blown code generation. For example, it doesn't handle schema renamings in class __bases__ yet.

Rendering a module

Here's how you would render the entire module with your schemas:

cadwyn render module data.schemas --app=main:app --version=2024-05-26

This command will print to stdout what the schemas would look like in version 2024-05-26 if they were written by hand instead of generated at runtime by Cadwyn. This command takes the schemas from data/ module and knows what the schemas would look like based on the version changes from Cadwyn app instance named app and located in

Rendering a single model

Here's how you would render a single pydantic model or enum with your schemas:

cadwyn render model data.schemas:UserCreateRequest --app=main:app --version=2024-05-26

This command will print to stdout what the UserCreateRequest schema would look like in version 2024-05-26 if it was written by hand instead of generated at runtime by Cadwyn. This command takes the UserCreateRequest schema from data/ module and knows what the schema would look like based on the version changes from Cadwyn app instance named app and located in

Generating schemas without FastAPI

Cadwyn is capable of generating versioned schemas from its version changes even without FastAPI:

import cadwyn
from my_versions import version_bundle, MyVersionedSchema

schema_generators = generate_versioned_models(version_bundle)
MyVersionedSchemaFrom2025 = schema_generators["2025-11-16"][MyVersionedSchema]