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Enum migrations

All of the following instructions affect only code generation.

Adding enum members

Note that adding enum members can be a breaking change unlike adding optional fields to a schema. For example, if I return a list of entities, each of which has some type, and I add a new type -- then my client's code is likely to break.

So I suggest adding enum members in new versions as well.

from cadwyn.structure import VersionChange, enum
from enum import auto

class MyChange(VersionChange):
    description = "..."
    instructions_to_migrate_to_previous_version = (
        enum(my_enum).had(foo="baz", bar=auto()),

Removing enum members

from cadwyn.structure import VersionChange, enum

class MyChange(VersionChange):
    description = "..."
    instructions_to_migrate_to_previous_version = (
        enum(my_enum).didnt_have("foo", "bar"),